13 July 2011

Vaginal hormonal rings

The vaginal ring

They are about 2-inches in diameter, small in size and flexible. Vaginal rings secrete hormones which prevent pregnancies,the vaginal rings contain-estrogen and progesterone. Vaginal ring is a good contraceptive for women who are always forgetful in taking their pills. The nuva ring or vaginal ring should be left in the vagina for three weeks and then insert a new one after. Diaphragm and vaginal rings have similar procedures.
 Warning if not inserted appropriately you might get pregnant.
Beginners   should start using the ring by inserting  between Day 1 and Day 5 of your menstrual cycle. Day 1 of your cycle is the first day of your period bleeding. The ring should be inserted by cycle day 5 at an earlier stage, even if you still have your period. 
Your health care provider either a nurse or a doctor qualified  may will advise you to start using it right after your appointment and use condoms for the first cycle 3 weeks on, 1 week off Once you have inserted the vaginal hormonal ring, leave it in place for 3 weeks continuously. After 3  weeks, you remove the  vaginal hormonal ring for 1 week before you start your next cycle.
when you stop to insert the vaginal ring you will get your periods. This is a 7 day break in between cycles when you are not using the ring. Usually your period comes 2-3 days after you remove the ring.
Procedure on how to  insert a vaginal ring
Before you start, clean and dry your hands, gently open the foil pouch that the ring comes in and if possible Save the pouch so you can throw the used vaginal ring away later. Find a private place such as your bedroom or the bathroom where you can insert the ring feeling relaxed and at ease.You may want to lie down in bed with knees bent, or squat down with knees bent or stand with one leg on a chair or toilet seat its up to you choose a technique which you find comfortable.Hold the vaginal ring between your thumb and index finger and gently insert the ring into your vagina or you can use an applicator to insert the vaginal ring.
If you are unable to insert the vaginal ring by yourself go to the nearest women health centers near you or visit your doctor who recommended you to use the vaginal hormonal ring. 
The vaginal rings does prevent pregnancies but not sexual transmitted diseases(stds), so make sure you use condoms all the time. 
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