08 July 2011



As we all know that contraceptives   use is important in our modern world  it helps to prevent unwanted pregnancy, protect you from sexual transmitted diseases,reduce cases of abortions and further more control any countries population to be equilibrium.
According to many  scientific dictionary, contraceptives has been define as a device or technique that prevents contraception,Family planning has been  define as the practice of birth control where  family values, attitudes, and beliefs are used while Contraception (birth control) prevents pregnancy by interfering with the normal process of ovulation, fertilization, and implantation.  Different kinds of birth control  act at different points in the process of protecting yourself from sexual transmitted disease or for family planning especially to couples who needs to start a family.

Birth control Birth control is either the use of any  methods or devices to prevent pregnancy from occurring in a sexually active woman or man. It can also be referred as family planning, pregnancy prevention, fertility control, or contraception; birth control methods are designed either to prevent fertilization of an egg or implantation of a fertilized egg in the uterus. methods may be reversible or irreversible depending on the situation you might be in.

The best birth control methods  used for both  male or female  are those that are easy  to use,effective  each time you have intercourse. Regular follow up with a health professional in any health center or hospital for better healthcare is needed. And if you have any side effects that are making it hard for you to use the method as directed by a doctor, choose a different method that is convenient and comfortable for you.When you have  long-term (chronic) illness or a disability seek medical advise from a doctor about which birth control or contraceptives is best for you.